Arthur while I'm a regular reader of your crypto posts let me tell you that you are a very cynical person, I doubt you have ever in your life been the victim of terrorism or spent any time worrying about it. It's very easy to ski in Japan all day and criticize countries for trying to defend their citizens.

Israel faces terrorism on a daily basis, thousands of rockets are fired on cities every year and especially in the last year it has faced tens of thousands of rockets from 7 countries (I'm talking real rockets with tons of explosive not the fireworks you imagine)! On Oct 7th thousands of Hamas terrorists who crossed the border to Israel -- burned, mutilated, tortured, raped, killed incent Israeli citizens including children and babies.

And all that why? Because of their fanatic religious Islamic belief (led by the extremists in Iran) that all Jews & Christians must be converted to Islam or die and that Israel shouldn't exist.

There are still more than 100+ Israelis in captivity, some of which are women (god knows what they are going through). Hamas could have ended this war long ago if they released them. And contrary to Hamas claims most of the people killed in the Gaza Strip are Hamas and Jihad people.

I'm far from a Benjamin Netanyahu supporter but this has nothing to do with him or any military-industrial complex. Not everything in the world is about hidden motives.

BTW as a side note -- If you have an hour to spare watch on YouTube the recent "The Diary Of A CEO" with Annie Jacobsen (which is a nuclear war expert) to get a grasp of the implications of a nuclear weapon in the hands of religious autocratic regime like Iran (spoiler: not good).

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Dude, this comment is completely irrelevant. Real out a timing

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Most of the Gazans killed are women and children.

Oct 7th wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the decades-long brutal treatment of Palestinians by Israel.

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That's not true at all (unless your data source is Hamas propaganda).

The ratio of terrorists to civilians killed is greater than 1:1 which is **extremely** hard to achieve in such a densely populated area and with Hamas using civilians as human shields and actively firing rockets from sensitive sites such as hospitals and hiding in or under the most crowded places. This testifies to the lengths Israel goes in order to "surgically" target terrorists and avoid civilian casualties.

Learn the history, Israel's governments have been seeking peace for almost 80 years now and the Gaza Strip is completely independent since 2005. What have they done since? Elected Hamas into power, used every bit of their tax money and aid money to build underground war tunnels, fire tens of thousands of rockets on Israeli cities, pay salaries to families of terrorists proportional to how many Israelis they had killed (god forbid they'd use it on schools, education, peace initiatives). And BTW, the meaning of their chant "from the river to sea" simply expresses their target which is the elimination of Israel (hint: between the river and the sea there's the state of Israel).

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I don't see how crypto holders unite their vote. The fact we share an investment doesn't mean we share an ideology. Perhaps the original Satoshi cyber punks and early holders who are rich. But for the chumps like me, who have to wait in line to get into the club at Ibiza, or for the average coinbase ouser who has only ~ 5k in crypto. Trumps take on crypto ain't changin the vote.

Fun read as usual.

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Jul 18
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ok @cryptotraderdigest882954

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This MF one of those dreamers. Ain't no right-wing crypto bro voting blue.

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Nice pieces, BUT, the following quote from the piece is exactly why this type of legislation will never happen:

"The central bank can print all the money it likes, but if its losses eviscerate all its equity capital, the central bank fails."

They will never agree to allow their central bank to fail as this would be game over.

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Good piece, Arthur! Very compelling. As a non-American, it's not my beef, but i suspect that politics rank higher than crypto spirit these days so i suspect it'll be a stretch...and it would take someone organizing/evangelizing it practically....who?

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Just a quick note to say --- You gave me a heartfelt belly laugh, especially with 'This story is apropos of crypto because a would-be emperor of Pax Americana, The Orange Man Trump, suddenly cares about crypto.' Bring it on, love your writing style! By the way, did you and your HK roommie 'get lucky with a hottie' after the private party in Ibiza?

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Dear Arthur,

Another insightfiul and well-written article, but IMO, as most crypto OGs you too fail to see the bigger picture. Yes, would be great to execute what you preach, but if you wish to build a solid structure you first need to strengthen the foundations, or the building will collapse like a house of cards. Some of us have lived through several tech revolutions and inherently see things from a wider perspective...

You say we can only win TOGETHER, but all you talk about is BITCOIN BITCOIN BITCOIN. Ask yourself the following question:

Is BTC so heavily promoted becaus it's so great? Or is BTC so great because it's so heavily promoted?

Many NON-CRYPTO people I speak to believe that BTC is crypto and crypto is BTC. In other words, all they know is "that 14-year OLD technology," because it's all they hear about. And while technology is ALL ABOUT PROGRESS AND EVOLUTION, in crypto we (you) stil dwell on that, well, 14-year old technology. I'm really cutting corners here, because it's impossible to describe the various challenges in a few sentences.

I put it to you that as long as you guys blindly promote BTC (that old tech) we will be at the mercy of the "greater" forces, because ALL they need to do is manipulate ONE ASSET = BTC.

Not to mention you talk about Satoshi as if he/she is a real person. Or that you blindly believe Satoshi is/was benevolent, etc. YES, BTC is AMAZING and GREAT, and it's many things. But you guys have turned BTC into a religion, employing the most successful marketing story of all time, which worships the mysterious man, who has written an incredible book, and then myseriously disappeared, etc... you kow how it goes, it all began some 4000 years ago and in 2009 we got the fourth book, only this time it's called the WHITEPAPER.

Put simply, you are trying to bring certainty into a world where the only certainty is CHANGE! This CAN NOT work and I'm sad that you fail to see this simple truth.

Anyway, to VOTE TOGETHER, as you say, we will need to UNITE and vote as the power of crypto, NOT the power of BTC. After all, we want TANGIBLE CHANGES, not some promises we need to keep on FAITH.

That's just for beginning, but I will stop here. Watching crypto influencers is truly a sad story... Most OGs are 7+ years in the industry and they know it all. You stand out in a BIG WAY, but IMO you too have narrowed your views to the point where you find it difficult to see the bigger picture...

Thank you for yoiur tireless debates :-) I appreciate you

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Dope piece bro... Great work as always but, this one resonated deeply with me... As even our own industry leaders in crypto (Brian and Coinbase) have policies and and regulations in place that hurt customers and crypto users because of lack of clear laws and government regulations... The bill you propose could help prevent others from suffering through unjust account restrictions and hostile treatment from exchanges... I will use that proposed bill language to fight Coinbase and hopefully get them to finally lift the restrictions on my account after 5 months!!!

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I usually like your takes, not this one. Forget about the pipe-dreams (every crypto holder will be a single issue voter? 10% will be amazing), you went from accepting crypto to changing the fiat system overnight. That's going to rub a few very powerful players the wrong way. You want to tell all Americans nothing is backing their bank account balances, right before the election? With local banks in a 2T$ hole? Also remember, the problems with crypto today isn't holding, it's things like accounting rules for bank, that make it impossible for them to custody crypto, accepting crypto as speech doesn't change that.

Other than that, you are factually wrong on many things. Least contentious, the supreme court did not upheld the right to bear automatic weapons. These have been outlawed decades ago, and no new ones are sold to civilians, only semi-automatic. Next, Palastenians are predominantly not Bedouin. So even if you think Bibi is trying to butcher, that's the wrong name. Also, the IDF has the best militant/civilian kill ratio of any middle-east conflict, despite Hamas using predominantly hospitals, schools and UN facilities to hold operations. Every time any Western army did something in the middle east, they killed way more civilians per terrorist. If you go to local armies, that number explodes up, but that may not be a fair comparison, as all other (non-IDF) local armies actively try to kill civilians as well.

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Most crypto holders won't vote because they lost hope in the system a long time ago.

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praise to elegant simplicity…okole maluna! to BOLD UNAMBIVALENT UNAMBIGUOUS IDEAS…MOSHI MOSHI

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This. The other side of the coin is - people like me. I own a lot of Bitcoin and my interest in it is intense, but there is no universe in which I will vote for any Republican, especially not Donald Fucking Trump. So, this assumption is wrong:

“The biggest assumption is that every one of the 50 million adults who hold crypto is registered to vote and is a single-issue pro-crypto voter.”

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Note that Kamala backed out of actually speaking to Bitcoin conference, a sure tell that Democrats fully intend to maintain antipathy to crypto holders.

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