BTFP is extensible for an additional calendar year, it's written into the language that created the program, so even if BTFP is shut down, banks have an additional year of "funding"

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Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story

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Yeah kinda feel like Arthur has missed this because the entire thesis laid out here shifts further out. March 2024 is a bit of a nothing burger

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So doesn’t this one fact discredit Arthur’s main argument for further BTC decline? Would be interesting to hear yours and his thoughts on this.

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"I will load up on Solana and $WIF. Bonk is the last cycle’s doggy money, and if it ain’t Wif Hat, it ain’t shit." 🫳🎤

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"Banks may refinance debt until the last day of the program in March, with a maximum repayment time of one year." Comments by Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr.

So every bank that cannot pay will refinance before the end of the program and kick the can down another year.

How does the thesis change if this is essentially a non-issue in the current timeline?

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Pretty timely. No new loans starting March 11 2024. Per many comments here: Banks may refinance debt until the last day of the program in March, with a maximum repayment time of one year. Does the pure act of every bank refinancing before March do anything?

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Don't think they are going to just let banks fail but we'll see. Seems like there is a big potential liquidity squeeze if Yellen announces a more coupon-heavy percentage in the QRA. And if Powell doesn't cut then we'll get some market commotion at least for awhile. But as you wrote there is some fat to trim off the bone since the S&P nearing 5000 so maybe this is deemed a good time to "let things go" for a bit.

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Arthur, did I understand you correctly? Do you believe that the crowd of crypto enthusiasts is so rational and so shares your theories on the possible movement of capital in the future that they are now selling Bitcoin and buying put options, just like you? :)

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BTFP is a nothing burger, anyone who is using it by Mar 11 can roll funding over for another year. They will shut it down but it will have no impact in 2024

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can you share how/where to buy PUT options on BTC? Are you referring to the options for Bitcoin ETF?

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Much like what everyone has said above - the 1 year extension to repayment of BTFP nullifies this thesis no ?

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I fuckin love this

The closing ideas of "tactical trading" made me laugh like a anime villain

the Sol, Bonk, wif trinity is the play we all are thinking

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Net inflow of $820B?

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It's coming......

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Says right here its done as of 3/11


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the Program was owned by the borrower as of March 12, 2023, consistent with the terms of the


then they have 365 days to pay the loan back as it is a YEARLY loan

Advances will be made available to eligible borrowers for a term of up to one year.

But if for example ABC bank got a loan on FEB15th they maybe would not turn it in on the 10th and re-do it for the 111th of March ..

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Jan 31, 2024
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Взгляд со стороны: откровенно говоря нас это большая часть мира не включая западную Европу конечно удивляет ваше американское недовольство своим руководством, час вашей работы стоит как неделя работы в другой части мира хотя такой ценности она не несет. Из за вашего руководства страдает несправедливо большая часть мира, когда нибудь и это закончится.

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